"We are born to trust, to fight, to be grateful, and to return everything back for HIS glory."
"Don't get too attached and too sensitive because nothing and no one will stay the same as long as you live."
"LIFE is all about our journey as we're given a chance to live."
"The past is the past. We should learn it from it, so it's worthy to be remembered. We should master it to face the future."
"To travel is to seek. To seek is to learn. To learn is to understand. And to understand is to enrich your life."
"Deciding to stop hoping and expecting is like denying that you're alive."
"With faith and understanding, we will journey this life from nothing to something."
"Have a straight heart. Then, you'll have a straight mind and will. And you can do everything sincerely."
"Don't change yourself for someone who's just fooling around with you. Stay true and show your true colours!"
"To find out who you truly are, you have to choose to go through the initially painful and ultimately comforting process of finding it."
"When your heart is straight, so be your mind, emotion, and will."
"Fight for what is righteous."
"Somehow and somewhere in this world, there lays my dream waiting to be reached."
"To the future, I pray for you. To the present, I'm faced with you. To the past, I learn from you."
"Open your eyes. Seek for understanding. Determine your future. Chase your dreams. Never give up. Shine as you're a star."
"Every of us is a star and we are the ones who decide how bright we wanna shine in the sky."
"I'll climb the sun, and before I reach my burning star that shines lively, I will never ever give up."
"Sometimes, it's not about giving up. But it's about how you know, deal, and admit of what you're not meant to have."
"Just don't give up on trying if you're sure what you want is what you need and it's the best for you."
"Together, side by side, let's make a wonderful story."
"Despite of those pains and sorrows I had when we were together, 'till now I feel so blessed to have known you in my life."
"I will travel the lands, I will swim the seas, just to reach you and hold you forever."
"Whenever I see you, I see and angel who falls from the sky. Whenever I see you, I see the one who shows me what love is."
"When I see you, I see a clear blue sky that I want to hold forever. When I see you, I see someone whom I'll love forever and always."
"Maybe, I've loset my mind for deeply loving someone who won't love me back."
"I'll keep the memory of you and me inside infinity."
"I seriously can't stop thinking about you."
"Whenever I'm with you, I act strange. That's all because I can't handle my beating heart and I tend to get nervous near my crush."
"I love to look back when we were together and stay there for a moment... Because I can't stand of the pain with you leaving me now."
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
"I've never seen such a lovely sky which is seen whenever I'm with you."
"You're so not perfect, you're not that obedient and dependable. But there are times when you can be so great. And I like you, since it's 'you'."
"You're my morning light, my excitement of the day, and my night star. You're the only love of my life."
In this world, everything is dancing. They dance and make a balance. That's why... There are so much to see and so much to learn. :)
Selasa, 30 April 2013
Rabu, 24 April 2013
Terbiasa Mundur, Maju Sedikitpun Sulit
Telah kurenungi hal ini selama beberapa lama. Namun, tetap saja berakhir pada hal yang sama. Tak banyak memajukan diri, malah semakin mundur sepertinya. Kacau. Kacau. Kacau.
Diri ini terlalu serakah. Ingin melakukan apapun, tugas apapun. Ingin. Namun, keinginan itu tidaklah cukup tanpa komitmen.
Bermimpi? Sudah. Bertekad? Sudah. Berkomitmen? SUSAH!
Kurasakan hati ini bergejolak. Tak enak. Benak ini mengumpat dan mengejek diri sendiri. Bodoh. Tak bertanggung jawab. Serakah. Egois. Pembohong. Malas. Pemalas!
Aneh. Aku tahu bahwa yang kulakukan ini salah. Kebiasaanku ini salah dan tak boleh terus dibiarkan berkembang. Menyia-nyiakan kesempatan, membuang-buang waktu, tak berusaha sebaik mungkin, menyia-nyiakan kemampuan dan kapabilitas diri, berlaku sesuka hati, egois. Ya, egois.
Aku sangat malas dan egois. Karena keinginanku untuk mengulur-ngulur waktu, bersantai-santai, dan berlaku sesukaku... Aku egois. Aku malas. Aku tak tahu terima kasih. Aku tak mempertanggungjawabkan anugerah itu.
Telah diberikan waktu dan kemampuan. Namun, aku tetap bermain-main di dalam lumpur dan kubangan yang kuperluas sendiri. Bodoh.
Sudah tahu bahwa diri ini telah terperosok, tetapi tetap saja malah semakin merosot dan meluncur ke bawah. Aku masih berjalan menuju kemunduran. Entah untuk menelusuri seberapa buruk aku bisa menjadi, atau memang senang berkecimpung di dalam lumpur itu.
Aku ingin menertawakan diriku sendiri. Menyedihkan. Bodoh sekali. Aku tahu aku bisa. Aku diberi waktu dan fasilitas. Hanya saja, kemalasan ini sangat mendarah daging. Gila. Apakah kebiasaan ini akan terus kupelihara hingga dewasa nanti?
Kacau. Kacau. Kacau.
Aku tahu aku harus melawan kemalasan ini. Ada waktu di mana perlawanan itu membuahkan tekad dan semangat baru. Sayangnya hal itu tak bertahan lama, dan tanpa sadar aku telah jatuh lebih dalam lagi. Mungkin, perubahan itu memang belum hingga akar-akarnya. Perlu perubahan yang radikal. Perlu. Namun, keegoisan itu terus menghalangi. Sebenarnya semua masalah in bersumber dari diriku sendiri. Lucu. Kacau. Aneh. Bodoh.
Perjalanan menuju kedewasaan... Pencarian jati diri... Akankah menjadi apa diri ini kelak... Semua itu tergantung padaku. Seberapa besar diriku bertekad dan seberapa kuat aku berkomitmen. Seberapa gigih aku berusaha dan seberapa tegar aku menghadapi ujian. Kebijakan dan ketangguhan diri akan terbentuk seraya aku melangkah dan menghadapi setiap hal dengan pandangan yang luas dan kritis.
Tuhan telah memberi kita kemampuan dan waktu. Tuhan telah memanggil kita untuk suatu pekerjaan agar kita dapat berkarya di dunia ini. Maka, bergantung pada kita lagi yang juga diberi kebebasan untuk memilih. Apa langkah kita selanjutnya, menentukan siapa diri kita. Yang terpenting, tetap bersandar pada-Nya dan memegang perintah-perintah-Nya.
Ya, hal itu memang sangat sangat sulit untuk dilakukan.
Kamis, 11 April 2013
A Writing from Reading 'EVERY DAY'
Have you ever imagined what it feels like to be a
different person every day? Well, you are yourself, but you are also someone
else because you don’t have a permanent body. You always have a different body
every day. It’s like your soul moves from body to body each day. There’s never
any warning about where it will be or who it will be. You really have no idea
what’s for tomorrow.
course we do know, we’re created with one soul and one body. So, I think it’s
kind of hard to guess what it feels like to live in different places, interact
or live with different persons and families every day. How would it be like?
that you wake up in the morning and find yourself in a different body every
day. Within a few minutes, you have to access that person’s memory to know the
basic information, like names of Mom and Dad, best friends, and maybe boyfriend
or girlfriend. The most weird thing is, you don’t have any sex. You can’t even
identify whether you are a man or woman. You can move from a male body to a
female body freely. Isn’t that scary? For me it is. But one thing for sure, you
still have your own character. You still have and keep your thoughts, emotions
or feelings, and life principals.
What is interesting from this story is the idea. When I saw this
book, read the summary, I directly fell in love with the idea. Every day a
different body, every day a different life. It’s like we double don’t know what
will happen tomorrow. The story is so unpredictable. We totally can’t guess
what will happen in the next chapter because every chapter is a day. So, for example
chapter 1 is day 5994, chapter 2 is day 5995, and so on. We really can’t guess
what kind of life he would be in because every morning, he woke up in a
different body, a different person which had a different life with the
yesterday person.
main character is ‘A’, just call him that way since he also didn’t know his
real name. He named himself when he was a kid. It is told that A had been that
way since he was still an infant. At first, he thought that was life. Moved
from body to body every day. As he grew up, he started to realize that he was
different. He was no other like the people around him. He started to see that
every person stayed in a same life every day. But not him. In his childhood
times, he seldom cried at night, begging someone’s parents to not make him go
to sleep. Why? Because it was when he slept, he moved to somebody else without
his knowing. He couldn’t sense anything in that moving. He just woke up every
morning and knew he was in another different body. Another body, another mind.
And every body that he moved into was consistent or suitable as his age. When
he was 5, he moved in the bodies of 5 years old kids. When he was 12, he moved
in the bodies of 12 years old kids. He just didn’t want to move because he
wanted to feel and know the meaning of “See you tomorrow”. He never had a
tomorrow with the same family, friend, boyfriend or girlfriend. He didn’t even
know who and where he would be at tomorrow.
didn’t know his real parents. He didn’t even have one. He didn’t have any family.
A didn’t have any friends. No one knew him for real. Those things were just
because of this worst part which is A didn’t have a permanent body. But that
was his life. His existence had never been known. Kind of sad, isn’t it? You live,
but no one knows about your existence. No one even knows that you live.
always had these principals to run his life in peace. One, respect every person’s
life you’re in. Two, don’t interfere that person’s life. Everything that goes
on in that person’s life is not his problem because he may ruin something.
Three, never get too connected or too attached with anyone because he doesn’t
have anyone for more than one day. He never let himself be drawn too deep into
someone’s life. He just wanted to keep everything as it’s placed. He wanted to
be peace with the fact that he simply was.
What he found pleasurable from his life was although he was a drifter, and as lonely
that could be, it was also remarkably freeing. He felt like he had no string
attached to anything or anyone. Moving from body to body, life to life, made
him a great observer. He had to know and analyze what a family and a person
character were, fast and promptly to know what he should do as that person.
story begins with A who had turned 16.
story gets more interesting when A fell in love.
matter how far he moved, no matter what kind of body he was into, no matter
what kind of life he was going through that day, he still was in love with the
same girl. Her name was Rhiannon. He met her while he was in Justin’s body.
Rhiannon was Justin’s girlfriend. The sad thing was, Justin treated her badly
though Rhiannon loved that boy very much. A loved Rhiannon with all his heart.
Finally, A had found someone he wanted to be with day in, day out, day after
day. It was for the first time, he wanted someone to know his existence. And
for the first time, that continued troubles came in.
of that love, he wanted to see Rhiannon every day. He wanted to talk to her,
communicate with her every day. He wanted to be with her. No matter how far he
was from her. No matter how hard it was, he only wanted that love to be real
and mutual. So, he planned things and began his moves. Those moves created
problems that he’d never held before.
nerdy guy named Nathan terrorized him. Nathan claimed to the world that he’d
been possessed with an evil spirit that made him drive far away to the place he
didn’t know. Then, he was left in the car without having himself near his home.
He said, after the devil had gone, he really had no idea why he was in his car
and stayed in a deserted road at midnight.
That was all because A drove along the way
from Nathan’s town to Rhiannon’s town for 2 hours, just to see that girl in a
party. At first, he always became a new friend that approached Rhiannon. A few
days passed. Then, he started to be open with her. He told the truth. Of
course, her first reaction was confused. She felt like she’d been played. But
then, as the days passed, Rhiannon started to realize that every person she was
with for those days had the same character. It was like one person in different
bodies. She believed A. She trusted him. She fell in love with him since the
first time A had a day with her in the body of Justin. They began that love
relationship. They both seek to discover if you can truly love someone who is
destined to change every day.
problem came. They couldn’t be together in that way. A understood it. Rhiannon
wanted A to be with her every day from night until morning and morning until
night. The hard thing was A wouldn’t be in the same body every day. Rhiannon
wanted to wake up next to A every morning. But it couldn’t be as easy as that.
She could be judged as a bad girl if she went out with different guys every
day. On the other side, A also didn’t want to mess another person’s life.
day, A woke up in Alex’s body. He knew that it was time to leave Rhiannon and
let her be happy with someone else. He didn’t want to be an egoistic person. He
loved her, but his life was not meant to be like that. Alex was the best guy
he’d ever been in. Rhiannon also liked how Alex showed himself. They spent a
day together. That was A and Rhiannon’s last day.
I think, you all can guess what happened next.
left good memories of a day with a girl named Rhiannon in Alex’s mind. Later,
Alex would find out how great Rhiannon was and loved her. So did with Rhiannon,
who would learn to love Alex.
this was a sad ending or good ending, it depends on how you see and interpret
the lucky thing was A could make up an ordinary memory in every person’s mind
he was in. He would leave memories he’d made so that on the next day, the
person wouldn’t remember exactly what happened yesterday, but they would know
in a brief and slight way. A knew he could do this after that 'Nathan incident'.
story had so many great lessons, such as love is not selfish. Love is patient,
kind and understanding. Live and appreciate your life day by day. You can know
something for a long time without it really hitting you. And many more. From
this book we also can see the diversity and complexity of life, types of people,
and the different perspectives they have.
Levithan wrote this story with such an interesting way. I really love the way
he tells the story. Every sentence he built, every thought, emotion and feeling
he expressed, and every saying he added were styled greatly wonderful and
awesome. It really makes the book is riveting and easy to understand.
a great and awesome book!
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